Hearts, Valentine’s–God’s Love

I have really been looking forward to February this year. Not sure why. There wasn’t anything wrong with January, but I really like Valentine’s Day. I found myself anticipating February 1st so I could put away the snowmen and decorate for Valentine’s—which I did, promptly on the 1st—smiling all the way.

Love It!

Yep, I admit it. I like the hearts, the red and pink, the candy (Of course! Any excuse for chocolate will do) the cards, the flowers—I think we need to get into the jewelry aspect a little more—ha, ha!

February is often called the “month of love” and that reminds me right away of God’s love. The only reason we have love to give each other is because of the love God has given us. What could be better than a whole month where we remember and think about the love of God? At least the first half of the month, there’s no escaping the pink-hearted holiday.

Think About HIS Love

It may take a shift in focus, however, to have Valentine’s be a trigger to think on God’s love. The 14th of February is more designed for celebrating romantic love between a man and woman. I remember in high school, feeling such longing to “have a Valentine.” I so wanted a “someone” that would be “all mine.” I never did have a Valentine in high school, but my very own Valentine was so worth the wait.

There’s nothing wrong with celebrating our sweetheart and our God-honoring romantic relationship. God wants us to celebrate each other and the mate He brought into our life. That’s His plan. This wonderful love was His idea!

Falling in Love with Him…

But let’s remember that our capacity to love, our true understanding of love, any freedom we have in love all comes from God, for “God is love.” He is the Originator, the Author of Love.

During this month of love, as we celebrate the love in our life, let’s take the opportunity to fall in love with God all over again as we remember His goodness, His faithfulness, His caring, His sacrifice—His tremendous, overwhelming, down-through-the-ages-and-still-for-today—LOVE for us!

What are some things you can point to in your life that make you feel loved by God?

(Check the comments. I’m going to answer this question first this time!) 🙂

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

One thought on “Hearts, Valentine’s–God’s Love

  1. I have to tell you all. I felt so loved by God this past week as He provided for my family yet again. Our youngest son, Kellyn, was walking down Chair 6 on Big Mountain after watching a snowboard competition last Friday night, when another friend accidentally skied into him. His friend knocked Kellyn’s feet out from under him and fell down right in front of him. Kellyn fell and hit the front of his mouth on the kid’s helmet! He knocked out about 3/4 of his top, front, left tooth. Kellyn was in so much pain. We took him to the ER on Sat. night and they gave him a shot right in his gum and broken tooth! It was horrible! But it was a nerve blocker and in 5 min. the pain was gone. We were able to get him through the rest of the weekend with pain meds. On Monday, he needed to see a dentist. He has one, but…

    Through another set of God-ordained circumstances, I’ve recently come into contact with an outstanding dentist who uses laser dentistry and who I knew I wanted to do this work on Kellyn. I called him and we were able to get him in on Monday, but I was very concerned (as in super-stressed and worried!) because, according to our phone conversation, they didn’t take our insurance.

    When we arrived, I pulled out his card, just in case, and the receptionist was so excited! They got set up with our insurance just the week before! Praise the Lord!

    Kellyn had a root canal (I got to watch & with the laser aspect–it was so cool!) and they put on an amazing temporary crown. Today he is in to get his permanent crown. And while we may have to pay about 15%, most of this (expensive!) work is covered.

    Thank you, Lord, for ordering my steps and preparing the way for us again!

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