Pray About Everything

I’ve been thinking about prayer and reminding myself to pray about everything in my life, in my day. I’ve been saying to myself…

PRAY about everything…

  • Your home
  • Your spouse
  • Your kids
  • Your job
  • Your finances

Pray ABOUT everything…

  • Your self: body, soul and spirit
  • Your hopes
  • Your fears
  • Your concerns
  • Your worries

Pray about EVERYTHING!

  • Your friends
  • Your church
  • Your projects
  • Your opportunities
  • Your ministries

When we sit down to work or create or balance the checkbook, we need to take a moment and ask for God’s blessing, His guidance and His favor on every part of our life.

Prayer: the Path to Power

No wonder we are told to “Pray without ceasing” (I Thess. 5:17). There are many things to pray for in our lives, but we must remember the power of prayer. God is just waiting for us to ask. He is waiting for us to acknowledge Him and to ask for all He has for us.

Pray first. Everything goes better when we pray about and for it. Prayer shouldn’t be our last resort, but our first tool to success.

Do a Prayer Check—have I been thinking about that concern/child/job/opportunity or praying about it? (See a post on this here.) We can mull something over and over in our mind, but it’s not prayer until we turn our thoughts to God and invite Him into the process and ask for His help.

Trying to make a decision? Ask the questions, “What does God want me to do? What has God already told me to do?” That’s where we find our answers and the confidence of knowing we are in the center of God’s will.

Prayer: the Path to Peace

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:6,7).

There is peace when we turn everything over to the Lord. No matter how big or small the situation looks, it is worthy of prayer and peace that “transcends all understanding” will be ours.

Let’s Pray

Join me in praying about EVERYTHING. (“Lord, please bless this blog. Please use it to touch the heart of each person that visits with Your love. Please let each one sense Your Presence and know that You are right him.”)

Remember to commit things to the Lord throughout the day. We need to ask for His help, His wisdom, His favor.

We must not get to running so fast that we forget the One who gave us the legs and the will to run.

What needs more prayer attention in your life today?