4 Ways to Improve Your Prayer Life

Do you find yourself thinking you need to pray more? I do. And while we probably do need to set aside more time for concentrated prayer, these four things can improve our prayer life right now.

1.     All Prayer Counts. Sometimes we feel like we’re not praying enough because we aren’t physically on our knees for a solid hour every day. The Lord knows our life and our schedule. The prayers we pray in the shower, in the car on the way to work, on the treadmill, as we drop the kids off at school, in the office cubicle, in the grocery store, at the t-ball game or at the college graduation all count. It’s counterproductive to feel guilty for not praying more. Just pray. Now. God hears our prayers wherever we are and whatever we are doing when we pray them.

2.     Thinking is Not Praying. Sometimes we aren’t actually praying about a problem; we’re just thinking about it. It’s not the same thing. We have to remember to not just mull it over in our minds and try to find a solution, but to bring it to God and specifically ask for His help. “Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete,” John 16:24. We need to ask! Ask Him. Now.

3.     Leave It with God. When we pray and ask for God’s help, when we ask Him to intervene in a situation, we then need to leave it with Him. Don’t ask for His help and go right back to worrying about it. We need to release the problem to Him. Release it. Let it go. Leave it in God’s hands. Trust Him to answer your prayer and to do something about it. He will. He’s got this!

4.     Pray in Faith. We need to believe that God is good and that He is going to help us and answer our prayer. Pray in faith believing—believing God is hearing you right now and moving on your behalf. “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him,” Hebrews 11:6. Pray in faith. Pray now.

Did you notice the recurring theme of  “now?” There’s no time like the present. “Grow my prayer life” isn’t something that needs to sit on a long-term life To Do list, something we will get to later “when we have more time.” We will never have more time and prayer is just talking to God. So turn your heart toward Him. Talk to Him. Right now. He’s listening.


What suggestions would you add to this list?