In the Meantime

Ever feel like parts of your life are being lived “in the meantime?” You’re doing what you’re doing today while you’re waiting for something else.

Waiting for New Seasons
Maybe you’re waiting for a dream job or a particular opportunity. Perhaps you’re waiting for retirement or some other new season that is just around the corner. (Like my friend, Larry, who last I heard, has 4 years, 3 months & 22 days till retirement from the railroad!)

I’ve had times like that and it feels like I’m in an in-between season right now. But I’m trying to remember that I must not miss the opportunities and the people that are before me today. I must not miss today.

Seasons of Preparation
In one sense, all of our life is lived “in the meantime” while we wait for Jesus to come and take us home. And there are many days that we live between the now and the not yet. God uses times of waiting to prepare us for the next season. We see this over and over in the Bible. Moses was 40 years on the desert before leading the children of Israel out of captivity. Joseph, Esther, David and Paul all had seasons of preparation.

Even if we are in a time of waiting and preparation, we need to serve God today by doing our best today and ministering to the people God brings across our path today. We must not miss today. Even if waiting for a “tomorrow,” we need to be present today.

Foundation for the Future
I’m so glad God is with us “in the meantime.” And this now is every bit as important as our future. Maybe more so. Like Pastor Tommy Witt used to say, “Patient preparation means permanent power.” Today is our foundation for tomorrow.

So we must be patient. We must be faithful. We need to keep our eyes on the Lord and enjoy every bit of “the meantime.”

Is there a part of your life that is “in the meantime?” What do you need to focus on to be present today?