4 Ways to Improve Your Prayer Life

Do you find yourself thinking you need to pray more? I do. And while we probably do need to set aside more time for concentrated prayer, these four things can improve our prayer life right now. 1.     All Prayer Counts. Sometimes we feel like we’re not praying enough because we aren’t physically on our knees […]

New Season

Nine Months Let’s say you have a blog…and you haven’t posted in nine months. How do you start back up again? Do you explain what you’ve been doing and why you haven’t written? (Does anyone really want to hear the story of your life for the past nine months? Really?) Do you just post as […]

In the Meantime

Ever feel like parts of your life are being lived “in the meantime?” You’re doing what you’re doing today while you’re waiting for something else. Waiting for New Seasons Maybe you’re waiting for a dream job or a particular opportunity. Perhaps you’re waiting for retirement or some other new season that is just around the […]

Look Up!

The Sunday morning before last, I was starting to get quite the headache. We had finished worship practice and I found myself rubbing my neck and jaws because they were so tight and painful. I knew from experience that if those symptoms continued, I would wind up with a debilitating migraine. This was not an […]

Pray About Everything

I’ve been thinking about prayer and reminding myself to pray about everything in my life, in my day. I’ve been saying to myself… PRAY about everything… Your home Your spouse Your kids Your job Your finances Pray ABOUT everything… Your self: body, soul and spirit Your hopes Your fears Your concerns Your worries Pray about […]