Wind & Waves


Recently, I was feeling stressed and pressured about several issues. Circumstances and people were all “pushing my buttons.” I don’t know how they found my buttons. I try to keep them well-hidden, but somehow the word got out and it was constant, “Push. Push. Push. Beep. Beep. Beep!” I was frustrated, irritated; all those stress symptoms were popping up.

I was thinking about what Bible verses I could hold onto and realized right away, a search for irritated, cranky or crabby would not bring up one Scripture. (Hee, hee!) But the Bible tells us plenty about having the right attitude and it speaks to us over and over about peace. Hundreds of times we are told, “Fear not.” Surely the opposite of stress is peace. Suddenly, I found myself thinking about Peter walking on the water and it hit me.

I was looking at waves.


I usually associate Peter looking at the waves with fear. The Bible tells us he looked at the wind and waves and was terrified and began to sink (Matt. 14:30). But more than terror can cause us to sink.

Any time I set out toward Jesus and circumstances take my eyes away and I start looking at all the ruckus around me, I can be sure I will start to sink.

When Peter began to sink and cried out to the Lord for help, “Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. ‘You have so little faith,’ Jesus said. ‘Why did you doubt me’?” (Matt. 14:31 NLT).


Something I love about that verse: Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. He didn’t give Peter a pep talk or tell him to use more faith. Jesus grabbed hold of Peter and saved him right away. Just like he saved me last week. The Lord provided exactly what I needed. Situation resolved. (*Insert sigh of relief here!*)

Like Peter, I needed to get my eyes back on Jesus and trust Him. When I focus on Jesus, I can know everything will work out.


I think it’s interesting how the NLT translated Jesus’ words to, “Why did you doubt me?” Not just, “Why did you doubt?” but “Why did you doubt me?” Isn’t that the question?

Peter was already walking on the water to Jesus. Jesus was already enabling him to do the supernatural! But our human nature responds when the waves kick up. Oh no. Jesus can’t handle a wind that strong. Panic! Stress! “Jesus, save me!”

Do I really think Jesus will let the waves overcome me? Do I really think He won’t continue to hold me in my walk toward Him? Do I really think this is the situation He’s not prepared for and can’t handle? Silly.


Sure, it’s natural to look at the wind and the waves all around us. But we walk in the supernatural. We walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. We just need to keep our eyes on Jesus and keep walking toward Him right through all the chaotic circumstances around us. We are the people of the Lord. We are people of peace.

What wind and waves are trying to take your eyes off Jesus today?

Do you need to take a moment and focus on Him?