When Life Gets in the Way

Great Plans

I had great plans for my blog this month—oops, I guess I mean last month. That’s how fast time has been flying by.

I should say…I had great plans for this blog in August! I even wrote up a Blog Calendar with writing topics for each day I would post. I already have notes on many of them. I was excited. I was ready to go.

Real Life

And then…family came to town to visit, there was birthday upon birthday, and right after that, a door opened and I took a part-time job. A part-time job that was full-time for the first two weeks for training. Busy, busy, busy and at the end of the day I’ve been tired, tired, tired! Life completely got in the way of my great plans.

Life does that a lot, have you noticed? It gets in the way and the next thing we know, we haven’t done quite what we wanted to do.

Maybe it’s those goals we wrote down at the beginning of the year that have gone by the wayside. Perhaps it’s our devotional life that’s been short-changed because of our busyness.

One Thing To Do

There’s only one thing to do. Get back to it. Whatever it is, don’t let it go. Don’t beat yourself up because you haven’t done it already. Just get back at it.

Maybe we need to adjust the goal, downsize the plan or find a different time to make it happen. Maybe we need someone to hold us accountable or a good old-fashioned deadline! Whatever it is, it can be done and we can do it.

Just don’t give up. (We will reap a harvest if we don’t give up! Galatians 6:9) Let’s be diligent. We have to come back to our original plan. Revise it if necessary and most importantly—

Simply try again.

New Schedule

So now I’ll work in an office Wed.-Fri., but I’ll still have Mon. and Tues. to write. I’ll see you right back here next week!

~What plans has life disrupted for you? What can you do today to get back to your original goal?