Christmas lights, Christmas music, the smells of pine trees outside and cookies baking inside. The beauty of Christmas decorations and presents under the tree – we take a deep breath and sigh, “Ah, Christmas!” Red and green everywhere, bell ringers at the mall, holiday parties – so many things evoke feelings we associate with Christmas. And those feelings come from a part of us called our soul.
We talked in a previous post about taking care of our body this holiday season, but we are beings of body, soul and spirit, and the soul is the seat of our mind, will and emotions.
How is Your Soul?
My organized, list-making manager mind completely takes over in December. So much to do! So many deadlines. It’s a season to be thankful for the higher reasoning powers we have, as we take multi-tasking to a whole new level! But we must not let the mind take over so much that our emotions are ignored.
Sometimes emotions simmer under that surface of activity all December. The funny thing about emotions is they will rise up and grab our attention when we least expect it. If tears come to your eyes during those touching family holiday commercials (and that’s not normal for you,) it’s time to check in with your heart.
Sad? Weary?
For many people, there is sadness with the holidays because of the loss of a loved one, either through death or estrangement. It seems that everything has a deeper impact at this time of year. Perhaps you need to set aside some time to grieve (it’s ok to feel that sadness) and to give it the Lord again. Release all concerns, hurts or sadness to Him in prayer.
Or perhaps your soul is weary. We can wear ourselves down on the inside through too much stress and activity, either from this month alone or from a longer season of difficulty. As you come to the end of the year and look back, do you feel happy and pleased or disappointed and dissatisfied? Even if we are in a season of joy right now, we must take care to not completely deplete our emotional tanks this month.
Hope! Enjoy!
It’s easy to rush through the holiday season and we are halfway through the month already (and 10 days from Christmas!) But take the time to care for your soul. What do you need right now? What would fill your emotional tank? What would you enjoy?
Perhaps an hour on the couch in front of the tree listening (really listening) to favorite Christmas music might do the trick. Or maybe lunch with a friend would be just the thing. Think about what would be enjoyable and refreshing.
Including Jesus in all our plans and activities will add joy right away. Keep in touch with Him throughout the day. We don’t even have to text Him. He is as close as our thoughts and He hears every prayer.
Let’s plan some time to recharge our batteries so we aren’t empty on Dec. 31st.
Are you “missing” this holiday season? What can you do to enjoy the moment?