Thinking or Praying?

Thinking, Thinking …

Anyone else have a mind that goes a hundred miles an hour? Plans, details, schedules, family, work, lists and more lists – so many things swirling around in that sphere on top of my shoulders!

It’s the Responsible Thing to Do!

We live in a world that says we need to be smart and self-reliant. We should have a plan and be executing it daily. Some of us think the line, “God gave you a mind. Use it!” is a Bible verse. (Just to be clear: It’s not.)

God Says, “Ask.”

What the Bible does say:

“You do not have, because you do not ask God” (James 4:2).

“Ask and it will be given you;” (Matthew 7:7).

“If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God,” (James 1:5).

Ask. Sometimes when I have a problem, I try to “think it to death.” I mull it over. I turn it around, on its head, whatever it takes. Surely I can find the answer if I think long enough. Sometimes there is no answer. Often the situation is out of my control.

What About Prayer?

Then … finally … it happens. The background music swells, the light shines through the clouds and I remember – I should PRAY about this! It’s a revelation! Sometimes I think, “Well, I have been praying about this,” and then realize—no, I have not been praying about it. I’ve been thinking about it. A lot. Thinking about a problem is not the same as actually turning to the Lord in prayer.

Mental Training

Even though we daily use our minds to think, problem solve, set priorities and get things done, the most important thing we can do is to train our minds to FIRST seek God for solutions, to ask for His help, His wisdom, His intervention.

For daily tasks, we will find new answers and new creativity when we ask God for help. For heart concerns, we will find God’s peace when we turn it over to Him. For big, out-of-control problems, we will free God to work HIS plan when we obey His Word and ask Him for what we need.

What problems are you facing today? Are you thinking about them or praying about them?