It’s Not Too Late: To Begin

It’s Friday. Do you ever get to Friday and think, “Well, it’s the end of the week. I can’t get that much done now. It’s too late.” Actually, (you may not want to hear this!) Friday is just as good as Monday. It just doesn’t feel like it because our mind is already headed toward the weekend. And often, we’re tired from the four days that came before Friday. However, if we change our mindset (and find some caffeine!) we can accomplish plenty, even on Friday. Sometimes, we get that “it’s too late” mentality about other areas of our lives too.

For example, is there something in life that you want to do or accomplish, but you haven’t made it happen yet? You’ve tried. And failed. And tried again. And failed. And given up. And tried again. Or maybe you haven’t failed yet because you haven’t tried yet. Ever feel like you’re going in circles and not making any real progress? We all have things like this — or maybe it’s just me. (I hope it’s not just me!)

The Unfulfilled Desire

Many things can fit into this category. Perhaps you have a project you want to tackle, but just can’t get it done. Perhaps you want to develop more patience or kindness and then find yourself snapping under pressure. Maybe there’s an advancement in your career you want to make that hasn’t happened yet. Perhaps it’s that fitness or weight goal that is so elusive. Maybe you want to write a blog, but after a few posts, life gets in the way or you get sick and are unable to be consistent. Oh wait, that’s me again. 😉

No matter what it is, I’m here to remind you — it’s not too late to begin again. It’s not too late to try again. You can accomplish what you set out to do. You have only to begin. Or begin again. After all, you are reading this blog right now, right? There’s “living proof” for you. Just be willing to try again. And then start. Take the first step. And the next. And the next. Over and over.

The Key to Success

Persistence is the key. Many have talent, but persistence is the difference between potential and success. Persistence is to continue on a course of action in spite of difficulty, opposition or previous failure. The Bible puts it this way, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Gal. 6:9.)

We must not give up. If we have given up, we can begin anew. Get back to planting the seeds that will bring about the harvest we desire. We are planting seeds into our life and future every day. Let’s make sure it’s the right seed. The time to start again is right now.


What step will you take today to “begin again?”