The Moment We Turn

Do you ever hold yourself back from God? Do you ever try to shield Him away from the deep parts of your heart?

Basic Conversation: The Mundane Stuff

Sometimes our relationship with the Lord can mirror earthly relationships. We talk to our spouse or kids or best friend about all the mundane things that need to be covered—like the basics on how work is going, whose turn it is to take out the garbage, what time the kids need to be at practice, and (most importantly!) what’s for dinner. But it takes more effort, time and focus to engage in a meaningful conversation with someone about what’s really eating at us, what’s driving us crazy and what we’re worried about.

We do the same thing to the Lord. We cover the basics. “Lord, please keep us safe today.” “Lord, help the kids on their finals.” “Thank You for Your goodness.”

We pray for our friends. “Lord, please let their house sell. Please provide a job. Please bring healing.”

Heart Issues: The Real Stuff

But are we taking the time to sit down and let Him into our real heart issues? Are we receiving His love and assurance that everything will work out OK or are we trying to “tough it out” alone?

He wants to spend time with us. He created us so He could hang out with us. After sin became a wall between us, Jesus died for us so we could come back into His Presence. That’s how much He wants to be a daily part of our life!

When Do We Hold Back?

Some people only run to God when they’re in trouble. When things are fine, they aren’t as motivated to see Him. I’m the opposite. I have a bad habit of only coming to Him if I feel like things are going reasonably well and I feel like I’m doing what I’m supposed to do. If I’m struggling, I don’t go as deep. I pull back. It’s like I need to have myself together first. The Lord showed me recently that this is a shame-based response. If I’m embarrassed because I’m not doing the last thing He told me or I just can’t “get it together” in some area, I hide from Him instead of running to Him for strength. (Silly!)

He’s Right There

The great thing is, the moment we turn to Him, He’s there. “Come near to God and he will come near to you” (James 4:8). So true! If we reach our hand to Him, He is right there to take it. He doesn’t say, “Well… you need to read three chapters in the Bible before we’re straight again…or, let’s see, you haven’t really talked to me in a week, so you need to come to me for a week before you’ll hear my voice.” No. Not at all. (I’m so grateful!)

Praise the Lord—He is amazing! And He loves us. If one of our children needed our help, but kept avoiding us and wouldn’t ask, the moment he was brave enough to talk to us, or the moment he held still long enough for us to get their attention about it, we too would be right there to help. How much more does the Lord love us and want to show us that love!

We need to let Him. We need to “come near” to Him always.

What causes you to pull away from the Lord? Do you need to turn toward Him today?