Don’t Give Up

Glacier Bible Camp I had never heard of Family Camp until I moved to Montana. Turns out, it’s a wonderful week-long conference on a campground in Hungry Horse, MT. (Yes, the town is called Hungry Horse, named for a couple of horses that got lost in the winter of 1900 and were later found, skinny […]

Fear vs. Faith

Challenged Again It’s always a funny, déjà vu feeling when you’re challenged again by something you’ve previously written. That happened to me last week as I was preparing to teach the second lesson of “Queen Esther’s Secret.” I love teaching this material, but I quickly realized I wasn’t fully walking in faith instead of fear—again. […]

Working for God or Living with God?

Personal Spiritual Experience? The Oswald Chambers devotional was certainly interesting today. (Read here.) Oswald said, “It is much easier to do something than to trust in God; we see the activity and mistake panic for inspiration. That is why we see so few fellow workers with God, yet so many people working for God. We […]

Wind & Waves

Stress Recently, I was feeling stressed and pressured about several issues. Circumstances and people were all “pushing my buttons.” I don’t know how they found my buttons. I try to keep them well-hidden, but somehow the word got out and it was constant, “Push. Push. Push. Beep. Beep. Beep!” I was frustrated, irritated; all those […]

Faithfulness & Reward

Faithful in Little Author Mary DeMuth had a very honest and compelling blog post last Friday about being Faithful in Little. I identified with her comments and have continued to think about the importance of faithfulness and how easy it is to get discouraged with the “little.” (You can read Mary’s blog post here.) “If […]